October 6, 2017 – practice-oriented seminar

"Key issues of state accreditation of educational activities. Preparation of educational organizations for state accreditation of study programs for training of highly qualified personnel".

The seminar was organized by NAA for representatives of educational and scientific organizations interested in receiving explanations on the declared theme and was aimed at acquiring practical skills in topical issues of preparation for state accreditation of study programs for training of highly qualified personnel.

The seminar program covered the following aspects:

  • normative and legal support of the state accreditation procedure; review of new documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The procedure of an educational organization’s submission of a set of documents for state accreditation;
  • the peculiarities of state accreditation of study programs for training of highly qualified personnel;
  • main stages of an educational organization’s preparation for state accreditation of study programs for training of highly qualified personnel;
  • the procedure of an expert panel’s work;
  • answers to the participants’ questions.