Union Activity


General information


The  organization of the National Accreditation Agency (NAA) was created in 2020 and was admitted to the primary Trade Union organization of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) as a structural unit.


The Chairman of the primary Trade Union organization of Rosobrnadzor - Praskovya P. Smirnova


The Chairman of the Trade Union organization of NAA - Elena V. Avtenyeva

The subject and purpose of Trade Union work 

Subject and goals of the union activity


The activities of the Trade Union are based on the principles of freedom, independence, justice, solidarity, democracy, voluntariness, equality, self-government, legality and publicity. The Trade Union is free to determine its structure, goals, forms and methods of activities, independently forms Trade Union bodies, determines their competence and creates an apparatus of full-time workers.


The subject of the trade union's activities is the implementation of representation, protection of individual and collective social and labor rights, as well as professional, industrial, economic and social legitimate interests of the members of the Trade Union in terms of employment, service, labor relations, terms of payment and labor protection, compliance with social guarantees.


The goals of the Trade Union are representation, protection of individual and collective social and labor rights, as well as professional, industrial, economic and social legitimate interests of the members of the Trade Union in matters of employment, service, labor relations, terms of payment and labor protection, compliance with social guarantees.


Main tasks of the union activity


1) representation and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of members of the Trade Union and other employees in relations with federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, institutions, employers, their associations and representatives of employers;


2) protection of members of the Trade Union in matters of exercising their right for free disposure of their abilities to work, for decent wages, its indexation in accordance with the rise in the cost of living, participation in the establishment of forms and systems of remuneration, rates and salaries of employees, control over the insurance of safety and working conditions that meet state regulatory requirements for labor protection;


3) representing the interests of employees in social partnership, conducting collective bargaining, concluding collective agreements and contracts, monitoring their implementation, participating in the resolution of labor disputes;


4) participation in the development of state employment programs, assistance in the implementation of measures of social protection of the Trade Union members, who are dismissed as a result of reduction in the number or staff of employees, reorganization or liquidation (abolition) of institutions, execution of Trade Union control over the compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of employment;


5) introducing proposals on draft legislative and other normative legal acts affecting social and labor rights of the Trade Union members;


6) establishment of a legal and technical labor inspectorate of the Trade Union to monitor whether employers, representatives of employers observe the provisions of legislative and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms, whether they adhere to the terms of collective agreements, contracts;


7) participation in the development of programs on youth policy;


8) carrying out information and campaigning work, ensuring the publicity of the Trade Union activities, its organizations and their elected bodies, creation and use of their own mass media, implementation of publishing activities;


9) Trade Union control over the observance by employers, representatives of employers and officials of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms, legislation on the state (municipal) service, as well as control over the use of funds of state funds of compulsory social insurance and other social funds;


10) taking care of the health promotion of the Trade Union members;


11) provision of methodological, consulting and legal assistance to members and organizations of the trade union, ensuring the protection of their rights and legitimate interests in labor dispute resolution bodies and in court;


12) use of all forms of collective action not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Trade Union members;


13) implementing the selection, training, retraining, advanced training, additional professional education of Trade Union workers and Trade Union activists;


14) carrying out independently, as well as through legal entities established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, entrepreneurial (including foreign economic), publishing and other activities aimed at the implementation of the Trade Union objectives provided for by this Charter in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;


15) organization of mutual assistance funds in accordance with the established procedure;


16) organizing and conducting mass cultural and physical culture and recreation work among the Trade Union members and members of their families, rendering assistance in organizing their sanatorium treatment and recreation;


17) creation of solidarity funds, strike, insurance, cultural and educational funds, staff education and training funds, as well as other funds in the interests of the Trade Union members, providing them with material assistance, rewarding with memorable gifts and presenting prizes;


18) making proposals on the candidates of their representatives to the composition of municipal, district, territorial, precinct election commissions.


Normative documentation


Federal law "On Trade Unions, their Rights and Guarantees of Activities" of 12.01.1996 N 10-FL (with amendments of 08.12.2020)


Labor Code of the Russian Federation


Charter of the All-Russian Trade Union of Employees of State Institutions and Public Services of the Russian Federation


Regulations on the Trade Union card and registration of members of the All-Russian Trade Union of workers of state institutions and public services of the Russian Federation


How to join the Trade Union


To join the Trade Union, you need to contact the Trade Union organization of the National Accreditation Agency for writing an application. An employee is considered accepted as a member of the Trade Union on the basis of a decision of the relevant Trade Union body. The calculation of Trade Union seniority begins from the day such a decision is made.


A Trade Union card is a document confirming membership in the Trade Union, belonging to the organization of the Trade Union. The Trade Union card is kept by a member of the Trade Union, presented by him to confirm membership in the Trade Union.


Having become a member of the Trade Union, an employee can always count on the support and help of the team.




115162, Moscow, Shabolovka Str., 33 (m. Shabolovskaya)


Tel. +7 495 640 40 36